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TECHMER 拉线位移传感器

  • 高质量绕线装置和拉线盒,外壳防护等级高,抗冲击和抗振动性能高 分辨率高,可根据需要匹配:绝对值编码器,增量型编码器,总线输出SSI,CANopen
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  • 基本信息
  • 产品特点
  • 详细规格

拉线式电位器或拉绳位移传感器 (CET) 由以下四个主要零件构成:

  1. 测量绳
  2. 线轴
  3. 弹簧
  4. 旋转传感器


  • 电位器(分压器输出)
  • 0...10 V
  • 4...20 mA(2 线)
  • 增量编码器(正交脉冲)
  • 绝对编码器(可定制)
  • RS232/RS422 通讯




速度控制 ---塑料射出成型机,铝型材挤出机



Linear wire transducers

Stout, easy to install, highly protected against environmental agents: TECHMER linear wire transducers series AWS and AWPS are the ideal solution for those industrial applications which require high accuracy and measuring length up to 12 metres; typical applications are: X-Y tables, hydraulic and pnematic cylinders, packing machines, and wood-, glass-, marble-, sheet-working machineries.
The transducer consists of an encoder or a potentiometer operated by means of a wire-reel mechanism; the wire is out of stainless steel covered with nylon.
The potentiometer AWS provides an analogue signal proportional to the linear displacement of the wire, while the encoder AWPS provides a number of pulses proportional to the linear displacement of the wire. The inside spring controls the return of the wire to the starting position.
For both types the travel speed is 1000/2000 mm/sec., depending on the stroke, and the protection degree granted by the stout anodysed aluminium case is IP64. The connection is by means of a cable 1 m long. The operators will surely appreciate the mounting method, which is particularly easy.

Stout, easy to install, highly protected against environmental agents: TECHMER wire encoders series AWS are the ideal solution for those industrial applications which require high accuracy and measuring length up to 12 metres.

The encoder AWS is available with strokes ranging from 1000 to 12000 mm, and resolutions ranging from 0.04 to 1 mm, push-pull or line driver output signal.

The types AWS-S, AWS-M and AWS-L differ for mechanical size and measuring stroke.

Series AWS-S: 1000 mm – Resolution mm: 0.04 – 0.1 – 0.2 – 0.5 – 1
Series AWS-M: 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 – Resolution mm: 0.05 – 0.1 – 0.2 – 0.5 -1
Series AWS-L: 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000,10000, 11000, 12000 mm – Resolution mm: 0.5 – 1

Stout, easy to install, highly protected against environmental agents: TECHMER linear wire potentiometers series AWPS are the ideal solution for those industrial applications which require high accuracy and measuring length up to 8 metres.

The series AWPS, with potentiometer output, is supplied with strokes ranging from 250 to 8000 mm, ±0.02% linearity, 5 KOhm resistance and infinite resolution. The type AWPS-MA provides 4-20 mA output signal.

The types AWPS-S, AWPS-M and AWPS-L differ for mechanical size and measuring stroke.

Series AWPS-S: 250, 500, 1000 mm
Series AWPS-M: 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000 mm
Series AWPS-L: 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 8000 mm

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